Saturday 12 February 2011

PINK JERSEYS...And Rugby...?

Currie Cup First Division: Week 12 Review

With the warm-up game between the Stormers and the 'New' Boland hardly at an end, I try to contemplate what stood out for me personally, from this game?

And, unfortunately, all that stood out for me from almost the entire match are the 'New Pink' rugby jerseys that the Boland Cavaliers seemingly chose as their attire for the coming rugby season. Yes, I am aware that the Boland have new plans for the future with their new shareholders and coaches, etc...But did they have to go PINK?

The French started the 'Pink' invasion a couple of years back and I had NO problem, because it is the French and you may expect that from them. But why change traditional colours like the Boland's black and old gold jerseys of yester-year? I really do not get it...Can someone please explain this to me?

Fashion is understandable - I get that, but why do we, especially in South Africa, keep going with the same fashion, e.g. the colour Pink, fo so long? I think it has been more than five years now?

It is going to be a long season for me - I might end up getting 'Pink Eyes'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the blog about the pink jerseys. Really very beautiful dress.

Custom Rugby Jerseys


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